This uploaded saved_game contains a lot of errors which hopefully can be used to do multiple debugging all in a single session. I think the build menu has an option to turn off auto-remove blocks (default), maybe you can try placing buildings above ground, as a. I also noticed that when I attempted to surround a small piece of land with cobblestone walls and a stone gate, it somehow makes the game noticeably more laggy and the lag continues until bugs and crashes (like the Resume problem) occurs and finally crashes the game. When youre just starting out, youll need to juggle tasks like obtaining a sustainable food supply. This product is a brand new and unused Stonehearth CD Key for Steam. Plate-forme: Steam CD Keys Disponibilité) Quantité: Acheter: Description du produit. I believe planting or laying down buildings and furnitures in the pool of water is a bug as well. The heart of the game is city building and management. Click the Games Menu, Choose Activate a Product on Steam, and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.

Inside the saved_game I uploaded, I have managed to lay down potted plants in the water as well with a “Hi” message to the Devs “written” using the potted plants (if they manage to resume it and watch :)).
#Stonehearth game menu update#
We made an update to mods in this release that may cause old mods to break your existing game. The Authorized Community Expansion is an extensive, developer-approved modification aimed at implementing these missing systems as well as expanding the content already in the game. IMPORTANT Are you seeing a black screen on start Remove your old (non-Radiant) mods. Your job is to help a small group of settlers survive and carve out a place.

I reload the saved game and after the game reloaded, it immediately enter into pause mode and refuse to resume. The game was released missing much of the content that was promised as part of the Kickstarter's stretch goals. Stonehearth is a game about exploration and survival in an epic fantasy setting. Available only when restaurant is open restaurant is currently closed for the season. I was saving a game and now it cannot resume anymore. Hi, I have somewhat managed to replicate the Pause bug but in a different occassion.